Make an Easy Strip Hourglass Quilt with Jenny Doan of Missouri Star ( Video Tutorial)
Shop Easy Strip Hourglass quilt supplies here: Jenny Doan demonstrates how to make sweet little hourglass blocks using 2. 5 inch strips of precut fabric. For this project, she chose the dramatic black and white Jardin Noir collection by Robert Kaufman. She starts with easy strip sets that are sliced up with the Clearly Perfect Slotted Trimmer A. When she sews those pieces into a block, a beautiful stripy hourglass appears Get the supplies needed to make this quilt by clicking the link below: Learn to sew with Jenny Doan as she teaches quilting tutorials from the heart. Shes the smiling face of Missouri Star Quilt Company Stitching together simplified quilts full of love and laughter, Jenny makes quilting friendlier than ever before. With over ha