Zitkála Šá: Trailblazing American Indian Composer , Unladylike2020, American Masters, PBS
Official website: , ,Unladylike2020PBS ZitkálaŠá, aka Gertrude Simmons Bonnin, (18761938) cocomposed and wrote the libretto for the first American Indian opera, The Sun Dance Opera, authored autobiographical essays for Harpers and The Atlantic Monthly exposing the pressures American Indians faced to assimilate into European American culture, and cofounded the National Council of American Indians to lobby for increased political power for American Indians. Subscribe to the American Masters channel for more clips: Enjoy full episodes of your favorite American Masters films: FOLLOW AMERICAN MASTERS: Facebook: Twitter: , AmericanMastersPBS Instagram: , AmericanMastersPBS FOLLOW PBS: Facebook: Twitter: https:,