Bushcraft trip making woodshed permanent a frame camp series part 2 long version
I am spending 3 days in the permanent aframe camp. Last time did I make the home, this time do I make a woodshed, sawhorse and firewood + a small clearing in the forest. This is the long version. Here is all videos from the camp Location: Denmark previous viking country. West coast of Jutland sand, big sea, spruce and pine forrest. Some of the most remote in Denmark, but a lot of people in Denmark so limited how remote it can get. A lot of birds and deer. No bears only a few wolves nothing dangerous for campers. If you want to do the same in Denmark do you need to be the owner or get the owners permission. Some of the gear used in the video: 1. Sweater unknown. 2. Pot and kettle made by eagle 1. 5 and 10 liters. 3. Pants made by Ridgeline 4. Axe made by Kellokoski model 18 5. Carving too