10 Unbelievable Animals That Live Inside Volcanoes
From unique volcano sharks to a crazy new species of ancient rat, and more Here are 10 animals that live in volcanoes. Subscribe to Epic Wildlife 10: Sharks Topping off our list today of animals living in volcanoes is the deadly shark. Sharks are known for prowling almost every ocean in the world, and scientists have recently discovered that they re also hanging out inside of underwater volcanoes. 9: Freaky Lobsters Lobsters are freaky enough as it is. If you look at a lobster and don t see a horrifying sea scorpion, I just don t know what to tell you. Lobsters are weird But they get weirder. This story goes back 100 years to the waters around Australia. 8: Yeti Crabs At the very bottom of the ocean there are hydrothermal vents that spew out extremely hot water into the icy sea above them. But it s only hot for a few seconds. After the water reaches a few feet, the temperature goes from scalding hot to freezing. 7: The Fanged Fish The fanged fish is one ugly mother. It s also know