Salamou (1969) Nicole Echard
A week in the life of Salamou, a young potter who lives in the village of Bakin Dabagui in Ader, Niger, where there is a terrible famine due to two years of severe drought. On Monday, Salamou rests. On Tuesday, begins her work as a potter. She fetches the earth outside the village and soaks it. On Wednesdays, she prepares it, puts it into a ball then into a cake and models her first pottery. On Thursdays, she takes care of finishing the pots which she smooths with water, and accompanies her father to the hospital where her niece is, very sick. On Fridays, she collects bundles of wood and makes jugs. His father is forced to slaughter one of their cows completely exhausted by thirst. On Saturdays, she decorates the pottery and cooks in the open air. Finally, on Sunday, she goes to the market to sell her pots.