Timecodes: 0:00 0:26 Intro 0:28 2:23 Leaden 2:25 3:56 Leaden nopostfx 3:58 5:15 nopostfx 5:16 6:52 KaMuKaD3e 6:53 8:24 LoverLuv 8:30 9:45 wizen shuma 9:48 11:11 shuma 11:15 12:17 wizen 12:19 13:36 inspiration 13:41 14:47 wondrous 14:51 16:00 Outro Tracks: 0:00 0:26 kirxcy ft. rivoices isolation 0:28 2:23 nctrn i miss you, i m sorry 2:25 3:56 Sonia Calico That Drum on That Moon (Dub) 3:58 5:15 sevenlies heartsick 5:16 6:52 Sibewest Cataclysm 6:53 8:24 uicideboy Avalon 8:30 9:45 Night Lovell Off Air (Speed Up) 9:48 11:11 YUNG VAMP PARTY AND BULLSHIT 11:15 12:17 After Dark 12:19 13:36 onte medicine 13:41 16:00 Ryder Spot Splash At 0:02 and 0:06, bug with shake effect text from Sony Vegas, not me Enjoy