5 Essential Bass Scale Patterns Every Player Must Master
In this video, I show take you through the five most important scales for bass guitar players to learn. Next video: How To Memorise All 5 Pentatonic Scale Bass Shapes There are five scales for bass guitar that I recommend bass player learns. They are the major scale, major pentatonic, minor scale minor pentatonic and blues scale. The major and minor scales for bass guitar players are essential because they are the basis of tonality in western music. They help us understand what key a piece of music is in. , bassscales, scalesforbassguitar, bassguitarscales The major and minor pentatonic scales for bass guitar players are basically reductions or outlines of the complete major and minor scales. These are also useful because a lot of the music we play life riffs, unison lines, and hooks are derived from these pentatonic scales. Lastly, the blues scale for bass guitar players is vitally important as it helps to add a little more colour and text