Narada Michael Walden I Shoulda Loved Ya 1979 Disco Purrfection Version
In late 1979, Narada Michael Walden brought a new sound to the clubs, bright, bass heavy dance music. I can honestly say this made me love jazz funk, cos this is a stellar example, just like Shalamar s Take That To The Bank, shimmery and summery. His work with Stacy Lattisaw resulted in 2, 1 disco hits for her (Jump To The Beat, Dynamite). I would love to hear her version of Ring My Bell as it was origianlly written for her. His style was refreshing and invigorating and after his Tonight I m Alright got paired up with Brothers Johnson Stomp one night at the local club, and it got were no strings in Walden s tune and the gossamer sounds of real violins that opened Stomp was just like a tornado touching down and pushed us all onto higher plane, it was a great night out Never, ever saw any fights or people who attracted the wrong kind of attention, making a spectacle of themselves in the crowd. Every time I got elbowed, I seemed to get an immediate apology or grope.