Gems of the Underground 80s Heavy Metal Playlist ( Vol III)
г. Ruthless Metal 0:00 Intro 0:13 Parasite Nightwinds 05:41 Tryckvåg Are You Receiving Me 10:00 Expect No Mercy Indian Nightmare 13:40 AxeWitch Axewitch 17:05 Cerebus Distant Eyes 21:41 Akt Battleslay 26:46 Commander High n Mighty 30:49 S. A. Slayer Go For the Throat 34:16 Kryst the Conqueror In God We Trust 39:13 Shocksplit Undo the Chains 42:09 Reincarnate Take it or Leave it 45:37 Vortex Open the Gate 49:07 Heathen s Rage Power of the Sword 53:18 Crom After the War