Nazareth Hair of the Dog ( Vinyl, 1975)
What is cheap to buy, Real money, hard assets, industrial use growth and demand is growing Youre Right, ... Silver. Heres my go to WYSIWYG silver buy: Don t let vinyl be a bubble If you want to keep this hobby alive in the 2020s, we need more pressing plants. Here s how to come up with the money to start your own (and it costs you nothing except your time): I can walk you through. Have a computer and time, will travel. Taken from the album Hair of the Dog (Canadian pressing, A M SP4511) Note: Video made in March 2011, before I switched to a different stereo room (and only very shortly after I upgraded the cartridge on the TTUSB from a Shure SC35C to an AudioTechnica CN5625AL ). This tune gets some pretty frequent airplay on Canadian classic rock station Q107, and no wonder because it remains a really awesome energetic uptempo song After hearing it again this week,