Red Guardian Sings A Song ( New Black Widow MCU Film Parody)
Available on Spotify here Beat by Joezee + Connect with the Don + + iTunes + Spotify + Instagram + TikTok + Twitter + Snapchat frasernash + PS4 DonFraserNash Here s the lyrics Red guardian Ah Yelena, yelena dont cry, now uh, what was this nonsense you say about captain america not knowing who I am For mother Russia, Я стал супер шпионом, (YA stal super shpionom) For mother Russia, I give my girls to red room, But mother Russia, treat me just like dog, And mother Russia, let me rot in the gulag, Natasha, yelena its so good to see you, I always knew one day youd come to my rescue, Now let me tell you about arm wrestle I just had, Ouch whyd you hit me Are you on period Oh yes, i forgot,