Bikini Fitness
Last year we saw the coolest runway or Catwalk ever in a competition in Sweden. After the Bikini Fitness, Wellness Athletes and Bodyfitness athletes finished ther ordinary Presentation, the IWalk they walked in the Runway and could present their physique for the audience. This is a best of video from Tynge Classic X 2022 with a bunch of the Bikini and Wellness athletes along with the Bodyfitness athletes. This video is Brought to you by the Best Tan in the Business. The competition colors for champions since 1982. Jan Tana The Winning Tan you can see more or get yours at Follow us in Social media Also please go follow the upcoming superevent in Sweden the Nordic Fitness Expo. There will be alot of nice stuff in the future for anyone interested in Fitness, Bodybuilding and more And for the website And please support us by subscribing to our channel Music is often changed from competitions due to Royalty Rights , runway, catwalk, bikini