MICROTONAL RENAISSANCE CHOIR Musica Prisca Caput Transcription
Performers: EXAUDI Juliet Fraser (Soprano), Tom Williams (Countertenor), Stephen Jeffes (Tenor), Jimmy Holliday (Bass), James Weeks (Conductor) Composer: Nicolà Vicentino (15111575) Audio: 0:06 Diatonic 0:54 Chromatic 1:39 Microtonal, Enharmonic This transcription is written with quartertone accidentals although the piece is performed in 31TET. Imagine that the HalfSharps, HalfFlats, and ThreeQuarterSharps represent the SemiSharp, SemiFlat, and SesquiSharp respectively. TEXT: Musica prisca caput tenebris modo sustulit altis Dulcibus ut numeris priscis certantia factis Facta tua, Ippolite, excelsum super aethera mittat. TRANSLATION: Ancient music has recently raised her head out of the darkness So that, with antique and sweet numbers to compete with ancient deeds, Your great deeds, Hyppolitus, she might send above the heavens. , choir, classicalmusic, vocal, music, voice, microtonal, renaissance, sheetmusic, transcription, composer