Goddess Kali Mantra
This is the Goddess Kali Mantra to be used in our Satsang and various other gatherings, also for personal use in meditation, and so on and forth. The chant is a little less than 30 minutes. It starts rather slowly but gets more excited as it goes along. A mantra is an invocation, therefore set aside an area as a Temple or use an isolated outdoor location. The best time for working is after sunset or before dawn. Begin the invocation by vibrating the appropriate mantra as in this video, the more that this should if possible be chanted as described. If you cannot for any reason do this, then the name of Goddess Kali may be vibrated as such Agios O Kali, nine times followed by a short pause and a further four vibrations, but this you should do while dancing if possible until exhaustion, falling on the floor as it were. The chant of the mantra gets quicker and quicker until ecstasy. This is a very powerful mantra you can use in your various rituals. (Music is public domain. )