Do Children Learn Spanish Better Than Adults News in Slow Spanish ( Mar 8, 2018)
News in Slow Spanish is a weekly podcast designed to help you learn Spanish by listening to the news. Full episodes are available at: This is the News in Slow Spanish free story of the week for March 6, 2018 The Oscars: Calls for inclusion and diversity Today we begin a series of videos exploring and debunking myths about language learning. We will start with how children learn vs. how adults learn. You may have heard that as you get older, you lose your ability to learn languages. Is it true Are children naturally better at learning Spanish. Can adults learn Spanish as well, or even better than children Watch till the end to see what we think This Spanish language learning podcast releases new episodes every week, featuring more news stories and stimulating conversations, hosted by native speakers of Spanish. For more News in Slow Spanish, including the full episode sampled here, go to: