Cithara of the Golden Age Michael Levy Luthieros Music instruments
For more videos like this, subscribe on our channel on youtube; Available at Solon of Athens heard his nephew sing a song of Sapphos over the wine and, since he liked the song so much, he asked the boy to teach it to him. When someone asked him why, he said: So that I may learn it, then die. Florilegium of Stobaeus If you ever thought of having an authentic magnificent ancient artefact in your home or even learn how to play it, then you never had an opportunity like this before This listing is for a Cithara of the Golden Age, an advanced string instrument invented by the Ancient Greeks able to produce vibrato and tremolo effects while it is played. The Cithara of the Golden Age (Greek: κιθάρα, kithāra, Latin: cithara) was an advanced relative of the more popular lyre. As opposed to the simpler lyre, which was a folkinstrument, the cithara was primarily used by professional musician