Ariana Grande positions ( Official Live Performance), Vevo
Ariana Grande positions (Official Live Performance), Vevo If our Official Live Performances of pov and safety net reveal anything, its that Ariana Grande excels at her job because shes so passionate about the results. You dont hit the high notes, you dont exude candor, and you dont make pop music as moving as she does without crossing the Ts and dotting the Is. A very cool Cali session with the look and feel of a cozy little meadow was a perfect place to turn some of the best tunes on Positions into utterly memorable performances. Go Team Ari. In a typically inventive move, our hero chose to loop her vocals when it came time to perform the albums title track. Watch her augment the bands moves with a little layering of her voice. As she references both the kitchen and the bedroom in her lyrics, the sound stacks up, taking on its own internal rhythm. Beautiful. The Vevo official live performance of positions by Ariana Grande. Listen download positions (the album) her