Existentialist Hair Style (1950)
Existentialist hair style, Grosvenor Street, London. M, S girl with plaits sitting in front of mirror. C, U girl looking at plaits they look like cartoon pigtails M, S girl looking in mirror. Famous hairdresser Steiner enters, looks at girl, makes disapproving expression and pulls of plaits (they re actually fake hair pieces). C, U Steiner. C, U girl. Steiner looks at girl s hair, starts to comb. C, U combing hair. C, U hand taking comb from dressing table. C, U Steiner. C, U taking scissors from table. C, U Steiner looking at diagram on table and checking with girl s hair. C, U piece of paper with words Doe Eye on. C, U Steiner, pan to girl s hair combed out. C, U feathers in glass case, hand takes them out. M, S Steiner putting feathers in girl s hair. C, U Steiner arranging them in correct position. M, S Steiner and girl looking at reflection. Steiner walks out of frame. C, U girl putting on earrings designed by Steiner. Extreme C, U of earrings they are miniature perfume bottles, the warmth of