Nottingham Tuli Beats Meunier (1953)
Nottingham. Zulu, Jake Tuli, fights Robert Meunier of France. GV start of fight. SV Tuli fighting off Meunier. LV Tuli goes into Meunier but Meunier ties him up, and is going away from left and right. SV boxers trying to find a way through each other s guard but they are to close. STV as they break, they both swing left and right rather wildly but fail to do any damage. SV referee watching boxers. STV Meunier tries a left to Tuli s body but Tuli counters and then bores into body. They tie up into centre of ring until Tuli misses with a right upper cut and Meunier misses with a left swing. End of round. SV women in crowd. STV Tuli s second pouring water on Tuli s head, round 10 in background. SV time keeper starting last round. LV boxers sparring for opening. They get together in centre of ring. SV Tuli landing lefts and rights to the Meunier s body until Meunier fights his way out. STV close in Tuli trying to land lefts and rights. SV close in fighting, neither able to penetrate the other s