The most underappreciated CSS property
CSS Columns are awesome You can easily create multicolumn, repsonsive layouts WITHOUT media queries. I don t see them used a lot these days, and there is no excuse considering how good browser support is (even IE fully supports it, I mean, what else can we ask for ). The two main properties are columncount and columnwidth, but I also take a look at columnrule and columngap, as well as the columns shorthand. CodePen from this video: It s really easy to create columns with CSS, and can make creating layouts a lot easier. If you like this video, and would like a deeper dive into CSS columns, with some use cases and a few other properties though, let me know and I ll make a little deep dive series into these as well. In the meantime if you d . .., KevinPowell, tutorial, html, css, CSScolumns, CSSlayout, htmlcolumns, websitecolumns, CSScolumnstutorial 20180308 nJfrThH92WU