Black Raven Russian folk song with double subtitles
ЧЕРНЫЙ ВОРОН old Russian folk song with subtitles in Russian and English. Raven black, why are you wheeling, Why re you wheeling over me Ever will your prey elude you. Raven black, I am not yours And what are you doing, spreading Your wings wide over my head Or do you sense prey beneath you Raven black, I am not yours Fly you now, off to my homeland, And say to my mother dear, Say to her, my darling mother, That for Fatherland I fell. Take my shawl, now stained with red blood, To my darling, dearly loved. Say to her that she is free now: To another I am wed. A smoldering arrow bound her to me, Upon the fated battlefield. Death, I see, is coming for me. Raven black, I m now all yours Чёрный ворон, чёрный ворон, Что ж ты вьёшься надо мной, Ты добычи не добьешься, Чёрный ворон, я не твой. Что ж ты когти распускаешь Над моею головой, Ты добычу себе