Democratic Convention AKA Truman At Democratic Convention (1948)
Philadelphia, United States of America DEMOCRATIC CONVENTION. L. S. Elevated delegates in the Convention Hall at Philadelphia. M. S. Crowded floor of the hall with delegates holding State banners. Delegates demonstrating around platform. Rear view platform. Delegates in background. Sam Rayburn of Texas takes over the Chair. L. M. S Floor of the Convention Hall with cheering delegates. The platform committee meeting in another building. Platform committee seated at table. Front view platform committee. M. S. Senator Myers (Pennsylvania)of the platform committee steps onto dais to announce the Party s programme to the convention. C. U. Myers on platform. Crowds on the floor of the convention hall. M. S. The delegation from Alabama. Low angle notice on top of delegates pole reading Mississippi. M. S. Alabama delegation, disagreeing with the civil rights policy of Northern Democrats, leaving the hall. L. M. S Ditto. M. S. Truman, wife and