Foam Wig Tutorial Base Cap and Curl Style, Borderlands Inspired
You all loved the images during the build process and I m so happy to finally have this tutorial out. I designed these wigs for Clue the Musical at Moorpark college based on Borderlands art style known as cell shade. Foam wigs really helped sell the costumes and style to the audience These are super cheap and easy to make, all you need is thin craft foam, scissors, contact cement, plastidip and acrylic paint. Be sure to work in a well ventilated area. If you want to join the corset gang and get your own earrings or necklace, you can go to the link below Get the supplies used by clicking this link: (This is an amazon affiliate link that helps support this channel) Get my basic bodice pattern to make your own at the link below: Hang out with me on my other social media platforms TikTok Instagram Facebook Email me