Baby Annabell doll Baby Alive. Baby dolls baby girls. Videos for kids
Do you like funny videos for kids with baby dolls and baby girls Come and play with Baby Annabell doll and Baby Alive One Funny Clown is looking after Baby Born doll while the other Funny Clown is doing routines. She s washing the dishes, cleaning the house, cooking toy food and washing clothes. Funny Clown is tired, she wants to play And she becomes a baby girl Hurray, Funny Clown is looking after Baby Girl He s playing with her, feeding Baby Alive and showing cartoons Watch toy videos for kids and play with baby dolls and baby girls. A mamãe palhaça quer ser o bebê nos novos vídeos de menina com brinquedos A boneca bebê Baby Born está dormindo, vamos acordála Os dois palhaços querem brincar com a boneca, mas o papai palhaço é quem vai brincar com ela enquanto a mamãe palhaça arruma a cama e limpa o quarto. Agora chegou a vez da mamãe palhaço ficar com o bebê, ainda não Ela vai