Need For Speed Rivals VS NFS Unbound Comparison
I m not very proficient at playing rivals, EA app or Origin shows that I ve only played for over 300 hours, and Unbound I ve only played for about 50 hours, nfsrivals, nfsunbound, comparison Don t buy Need for speed unbound, the details and gameplay are not even comparable to rivals 10 years ago. Optimization also sucks, dlss opens a black screen. The screen is still blurred, and the frame rate is extremely low when it is not turned on. I heard a lot of people complain about the difficulty of unbound AI computer drivers, but after playing unbound for 50 hours, I personally feel that unbound AI drivers are not as difficult as players complain. It s just that the money system is too sloppy, no matter how many games you run, you can t make much money. I still have to praise the drifting feel of this generation. Compared with the drifting feel of heat, the drifting feel of unbound is naturally much softer.