Prejudice and Pride in Hungary: Inside the Far Right, Radicalised Youth
Hungary was the first country to close its borders when around one million refugees arrived on European soil in 2015. The country s farright Fidesz party swiftly positioned itself as the selfproclaimed defender of Christian Europe under the leadership of antiimmigrant nationalist leader, Prime Minister Viktor Orban. Following a global trend, growing numbers of Hungary s youth are joining farright wing and neoNazi movements, such as the Highwaymen s Army (Betyarsereg), to fight for a way of life they believe is under threat. The Highwaymen are affiliated with the country s farright political movement, Force and Determination, and believe in raciallyjustified violence. They went to help the military forces at the country s southern borders when migrants passed through Hungary on the Balkan route in 2015. And some of their members are currently on trial for intimidating Roma. We never prepare for a fight, we are ready for a fight,