Agustí Fernández, Barry Guy, Ramón López Can Ram
Agustí Fernández piano Barry Guy double bass Ramón López drums and percussion Think Agustí Fernandez meets Barry Guy and you re probably thinking of the kind of deluge of molten lava that characterised the Spanish pianist s volcanic contribution to Guy s OortEntropy back in 2005, or his spectacular scrap with Mats Gustafsson on Critical Mass. Add wildcard dynamo percussionist Ramón López to the mix and you ve got all the makings of a Fire Music trio of epic proportions, right Recorded at Jazzclub Moods, Zurich, March 16, 2007. Cameras, Editing and DVDProduction: Jürg and Marianne Rufer. Audioengineer: Willy Srehler, Klangdach. A Dingo and Fox Production 2008, Maya Recordings For more information see: