Dialogues des carmélites la production de la version spéciale ( ZHd K, J. Dvorak) part 1
A glance backstage at the rehearsal of the special short version of the opera of Francis Poulenc Dialogues des carmélites for a string quintet and percussion. Zürcher Hochschule der Künste 2011 Jan Dvorak, Matthias Schönfeldt 1st Violin Alma Olite Gorraiz 2nd Violin Annie Svedlund Viola Stanislav Sagdeyev Cello Meng Qi Li Double Bass Dorian Marcel Percussion Gabriel Muñoz Cabrera Le Commissaire Fernando Cuellar La Prieure Diana Chavarro Mère Marie Patrizia Häusermann Soeur Constance Rada Tochalna Soeur Blanche Gabriella Colluto Soeur Mathilde Linda Loosli L Aumonière Marina Bärtsch br, br,