Chaya Czernowin Infinite Now Luk Perceval, Titus Engel, Opera Ballet Vlaanderen, 18 April 2017 eng h. subs
Chaya Czernowins harrowingly sublime work Infinite Now interweaves two seemingly unconnected storylines Luk Percevals play FRONT based on Erich Maria Remarques novel All quiet on the Western front and Can Xues novella Homecoming that both speak to the human condition of entrapment and existential nakedness, and beyond that to a will to survive. Sung in Dutch, French, German, English and Mandarin. This piece is 2. 30 hours long and has 6 acts. Each act starts with a 12 seconds break of complete darkness and silence. The piece was shown without a break. In case a break is necessary best is to take it after the end of the third act. Recorded on 18 April 2017. Music Chaya Czernowin Conductor Titus Engel Director Luk Perceval Set Designer Philip Bussmann Costume Designer Ilse Vandenbussche Lighting Designer Mark Van Denesse Choreographer Ted Stoffer Dramaturg Luc Joosten IRCAM Computer Music Design Carlo Laurenzi IRCAM Sound Engineer Sylvain Cadars Electronics Carlo Laurenzi and Chaya Czernowin