Alyssa Sutherland Lily Sullivan Talk Deadites Popcorn Moments, Evil Dead Rise Interview
, EvilDeadRise, CastInterview, EvilDead Motherhood is hard, but being a deadite is somewhat easy. Evil Dead Rise stars Alyssa Sutherland and Lily Sullivan talk demons favourite moments on set of the latest instalment to the Evil Dead series. GEAR WE LOVE Geek Culture is supported by: ASUS: MSI: Secretlab Gaming Chair: Omnidesk Pro 2020 Standing Desk: The Terravault Display Cabinet: VIDEO, PHOTO GEAR This video is made possible with Nikon. Nikon Z6 II: Nikon Z7 II: NIKKOR Z 2470MM NIKKOR Z 1430MM (f, 4): NIKKOR Z MC 105mm Nikon FTZ Mount Adapter: bi