Catherine, Animated Short Film by Britt Raes, Short of the Week
A bittersweet life story about a young girl who grows up to be a crazy old cat lady. Check our full review on Short of the Week A clean, colorful animation about a woman who loves cats. Yay Im always game for pretty aesthetics, and the internet loves cats, but Catherine, via its pitch, hardly feels essential. However dear viewer, this Belgian short film hides a WRITTEN DIRECTED BY Britt Raes Follow: PRODUCED BY Creative Conspiracy VAF (Flemish Audiovisual Fund) Belgian Tax Shelter ANIMATED BY: Oskar De Rycker Olivier Vandenbussche Serge Lenaers Sarah Rathe Lenny Biesemans SOUND DESIGN Gregory Caron MUSIC BY Pieter Van Dessel VOICES Rudi Rok animal voices Madi female voices Braden male voices Reproduced on this channel with permission of the creator.