Aleah Chapin: interview, Flowers Gallery, London, 10 October 2014
American artist Aleah Chapin has had huge success early in her career. On graduating from the New York Academy of Art she was made a postgraduate felalow and went on to become one of the youngest artists to win the BP portrait award in 2012. Her latest exhibition entitled Maiden, Mother, Child Crone explores each stage of a womans life and the relationships between generations, placing an emphasis on neopaganism and a connectedness with nature. The largest work on display in this exhibition, entitled It Was the Sound of Their Feet, is a compositionally complex piece celebrating the mature body. The women in this painting play a game, forming a tunnel with their legs, through which each will crawl. Although advanced in years they play with the joyful abandon of youth. Age, Chapin shows us, is a state of mind. Maiden, Mother, Child Crone, Flowers Gallery, Cork Street, London, 8 October 8 November 2014. Interview by EMILY SPICER. Filmed by MARTIN KENNEDY