Echo Amy, Eleven; TWC Entry
While rendering this video, I had to make a very important decision. Did I want to wait four hours for this to render, or did I just want to render it without motion blur . .. I think it s pretty obvious which one I chose. Because four hours is ridiculous. And while motion blur would have certainly made this look pretty, it looks fine without it. And four hours. So this is the finished product of the preview that I uploaded like, a month or so ago I was going to be good and work on now late wishlist videos for people, which meant vidding something other than Amy, Eleven, but then the Christmas Special So that ruined those plans. With adorableness. And water guns. Enough said. Faith I have decided that this is for you though :D Because you also love Amy, Eleven. So yes. Merry late Christmas my awesome Faith :D br, br,