Selected Originals Churchill Tells U. S. (1952)
Selected originals (offcuts, selected scenes, outtakes, rushes) for story Churchill Tells 52, 8. Same material as in the newsreel American voiceover first shot is without superimposed title. Washington, Washington DC, United States of America. LV Elevated, Winston Churchill being escorted up to Speaker s rostrum in Congress. Cutaway to shot of Sarah Churchill, Mrs Elizabeth Truman and Margaret Truman. LV Churchill standing at rostrum. SV Mr. Churchill speaking, he says: (nat sound ) I have not come here to ask for money. (Applause). SCU To ask you for money to make life more comfortable, or easier for us in Britain (laughter). However, our standards of life are our own business and we can only keep our self respect and independence by looking after them CU That is why I have come here to ask not for gold but for steel, not for favours but equipment. That is why many of our respects have been so well and generously CU. Cutin of audience The soon