05 Mad Machinations ( Alice: Asylum Conceptual Music)
Alice: Asylum Conceptual Music Soundscape Experiments 05 Mad Machinations The fifth experiment. A soundscape designed to capture mammoth bronze teapots, steam, gears, pendulums and clockwork. Any finely tuned machine can break down beyond Note from Alex: My personal favourite track. Inspired by Alice s encounters with Hatter in Alice: Asylum. Writing for Hatter was interesting this time around, in that we see him in a different light this time around. Without giving too much away in the story, this track attempts to capture a part of Hatter s journey. Starting from pristine, wonderful, precise and immaculate, into a broken, shambled desecration of himself. A reminder of how precious a mind is. So mind it. Using commercially available sound FX and music loop samples, Alex Crowley created the following audio experiments. Originally released exclusively for Patreon, they are now available for everyone. The idea was to