Leggiadre ninfe by Luca Marenzio
In a live performance by Cantores Musicæ Antiquæ, Jeffery KitePowell, director Recorded at St. Luke s Cathedral in Orlando, Florida, and performed for the statewide meeting of the American Choral Directors Association on November 12, 1994. Broadcast on National Public Radio s Millennium of Music on June 16, 1996. Performers: Solveig Fretheim, Rebecca Lister, Alice Tillotson, sopranos David Walker, countertenor Shawn Bartels, Patman Lester, Timothy Watkins, tenors Jeffery Ames, Thomas Barnes, David Childs, basses. Cantores Musicæ Antiquæ Singers of Early Music was formed in the fall of 1989 with the intent to perform music from 12001650 in a historically informed manner. The group consists of eight to twelve singers, often one on a part, and includes undergraduates, masters, and doctoral students. Some students are voice majors, while others study music education, choral conducting, theory, or musicology. After our inaugural concert, m