Mini Concert Lady Gaga
Soooooolet me explain a few things this is NOT a concept video NOR did we shoot it like so. We had each cast perform the concert twice through and captured what we could with keeping the integrity and authenticity of it feeling like a SHOW DAY. Fuck ups, weird shit, spacing off, whatever. If It happened, its there. we spent 5 hours a day for 7 days to create a 20min show for 2 casts I work fast but this was a CHALLENGE. When you watch this keep that in mind because Ive already changed 8, 000 things in my head and have many critiques. Enjoy the joy of this and try to not over judge the imperfections. THE PURPOSE of this was to create a condensed on crack version of what tour rehearsals would feel like. We accomplished that. I learned a lot and cant wait to take away all the lessons to keep growing as an individual and leader. Thank you for all of your patience with me the process Concept, Created and Choreographed by Jan