Na San Operations In Indo China (1953)
NaSan operations in IndoChina. LV Parachutists baling out of Dakota. LV Men floating to ground. SV Chute landing. LV Supplies dropping from Dakota. LV Paratroopers marching away from camera. SV Soldier assisting comrade up steps incline. CU Men at concentration camp. LV Lorries filled with men driving away. CU Types passing camera. GV Paratroopers breasting top of hill. SV Paratroopers eating (2 shots). CU Two types lighting cigarettes. SV IndoChinese child with baby on back. CU Soldier giving kid chocolate. CU Kid eating bread. LV Men advancing past family seated by roadside. SV Back view men advancing. SV Men in actions with mortar. CU Wounded man having coat stripped off (2 shots). SV Towards, men running through undergrowth. LV Explosion in bush. SV Men advancing through trees. SV Wounded man being carried back. MV Men in jungle waiting to advance. CU Type. SV Pan, men advancing. CU Wounded man laying on back. SV Field gun in action. SV Battery of guns in action. SV Bazooka firing. SV Type firin