Rocket Science: How Rockets Work A Short and Basic Explanation
How do rockets work What is the science behind a rocket launch How does a rocket go into space In this short and simple video, we discuss the science of how rockets work. It is a short animated video for kids and laymen to understand the basics of a rocket launch. Rocket science is considered a highly technical, or even scary subject by many. But in reality, its not that complicated. Rocket launches are elaborate processes, which consist of a number of small, basic steps that need to be accomplished properly in order to reach the desired end result the successful launch of the rocket. A rocket is, in simple terms, a vehicle that is powered by rocket engines. NASA and other space agencies all over the world, including ISRO (Indian Space Research Organization), JAXA (Japanese Space Agency), Roscosmos (Russian Space Agency), ESA (European Space Agency) and CNSA have been involved in sending rockets into space for decades now. A rocket consists of three main parts the guidance system, payl