BF1 Remastered 2021 4k RAY TRACING, Next Gen, Cinematic Graphic Mod, Comparison Gameplay
Battlefield 1 Ray Tracing Mod is a work in progress with photorealistic postprocessing effects, reflections and Global illumination, please, watch it in 4k Resolution, for the best quality. Enjoy :) Comparison: 2:02 Gameplay: 5:32 If you like to support me: Link : RT Shader (Beta) made by Pascal Gilcher, support him: Link : Please Subscribe if you enjoyed it. Like Share if you liked it. Thank you for watching and Supporting The Channel. Subscribe for more : PC specs: Mainboard: Asus Prime A z370 CPU: Intel i7 8700K RAM: Corsair Vengeance 16 Gb RAM GPU: RTX 3080 SSD: Crucial mx500 500GB HDD: W. D. 1 TB AIO WC: Artic freezer 240