Violence Action (2022) バイオレンスアクション Movie Trailer
Starring: Kanna Hashimoto (橋本環奈), Yosuke Sugino (杉野遥亮), Oji Suzuka (鈴鹿央士), Fumika Baba (馬場ふみか), Win Morisaki (森崎ウィン), and Shunsuke Daito (大東駿介). Director: Toichiro Ruto (瑠東東一郎). FOLLOW US: Website: Merch: Twitter: Discord: Facebook: Instagram: Intro, Outro created by Phil Mills (footage: Eastern Condors) Logo Contents Far East Films Disclaimer: The images and, or videos used are not owned by Far East Films. No copyright infringement intended. , ViolenceAction, バイオ, 125