Words By: Barbara Symons 08 30 2022
Barbara SymonsBarbara SymonsSometimes traumatic events propel us into unfamiliar territories in consciousness. Something happens and a veil lifts within our psyche and we are given the opportunity to see things differently. Trauma fractures the dome of our reality allowing our consciousness to seep out like a spy to see beyond the boundaries of our present perception. The wound becomes a portal. Trauma causes a split in the fabric of our minds tapestry having been woven at the skillful hands of the ego. Trauma breaks the wall of a carefully constructed paradigm, shatters our security and releases us to a borderless world where we see, truly see, the beauty of our unfettered soul. Trauma beckons to us to let go and simply be. Trauma carries us to a precipice from which to launch; fear says turn back but love says, leap. As Jacob wrestled with the angelic messenger (your Divine self) he clings to this agent of change and says, I will not turn loose of you u