Canadian Horse Pirates Brony CAN 2015
Aaaaahh it s finally done I present to ye all, the animation played at BronyCAN s Opening Ceremonies, and the project I ve been working on for pretty much two months straight, Canadian Horse Pirates This whole thing was a twoperson project, being me, and my little sister whom helped with a lot of art asset stuff. You can find her here: And, before I forget (Because I already did while writing this description), this song is The Last Saskatchewan Pirate, written by The Arrogant Worms, this being a cover by Captain Tractor: This was very fun to work on, and I m hoping everybody enjoys it. With this finally done, I m hoping to also be moving on to working on more new super interesting projects, huzzah hoorah and hurray. That being said you fellows will have to wait and see for those. In other( ) news, BronyCAN happened, and wow, it was more fun than I was expecting. PonyconAU is fun and all, but there s nothing like going out and