Galliciano in Greko Calabria
Partially taken from the documentary, Magna Graecia: the Greko of Calabria, we mad our way from Bova Marina via Lapse to Galliciano. Thanks heaps to MariaOlimpia Squillaci who is a younger Greko speaker and Danilo, another younger Greko speaker. I hadnt been here for 16 years and it was great to hear Greko spoken by different generations. Basil Genimahaliotis shot and edited the clip. The Greko language and people have an unbroken timeline since the ancient Greek colonies. Greko is spoken by several thousand people from elders through to younger people. The actual documentary where part of this is from, was made possible thanks to M J Chickens and AHEPA NSW. The last I was was here, it was Carmelo Nucera and Pat Porpiglia who took us up here, way back in 2002