Alain Souchon Foule Sentimentale
In 1993, Alain Souchon (a French singer, songwriter, actor) recorded this song with the intention of bringing to light the problem of consumerism and what it does to people. When I came across this gem, I knew that it said what I wanted to say. Because it s in French, I hope that the images will serve to convey the main ideas. Please scroll down. Souchon ssong Foule Sentimentale isaimed against the cruel emergence of la société de consommation (societal consumerism). The ultimate paradox is thatAlain Souchon belonged to thosesame change agents within society, known as les Baby Boomers who were in their twenties in the1960s. Though undoubtedlyidealistic and wellintentioned, they chose tobrush aside the fundamental teachings of writers like Plato and St. Augustine. By so doing, they unwittinglypaved the way for the riseof the very sameconsumerist, unprincipled, societythat they criticized later. Lyrics in French and