10 MIN INNER THIGH WORKOUT 14 Days Challenge for toned and slim thighs, guided by angie
Hello friends Ready for a new challenge No matter if youre beginner or advanced. This one is for you The exercises are simple but since we are trying not to rest too much, we are working deep inside our thigh muscles. The goal is to work from the inside out, meaning we dont want the thighs to bulk. We want them long and slim, thats why this challenge is great if youre looking to strengthen your inner thighs over a short period of time. No equipment needed, but if you feel like being strong enough, you can use ankle weights for that extra burn Feel free to use this video as a single workout, or join the 14 days challenge: Day 1: This video + 13MIN AB WORKOUT Day 2: This video + 5MIN ARM CHALLENGE + 10MIN ARMS Day 3: This video + 10MIN SLIM INNER THIGHS br, br,