Septic Fumes Gracing The Dentures Via Fecal Phalanges (2023)
Raw Death Metal for fans of Grotesque Infection. Recorded to 2 track tape in the bathroom by Matt Violencia, July 2023. (mattmaan) Rectal Cavity Removal Particle Respiration J. Rotten Gutbucket Bludgeoning M. Garcia For Bodily Waste Clean Up via Oral Consumption, Please contact; or joshierotten on IG. Track available September 15th, on cassette via Noxious Ruin Comp Vol. 8. Rotting, Fecal specs, Sifted by my nails, Soaked in Warm waste Stench is thick and foul. Stoned off The fumes of stool (Making my eyes sockets turn brown and red) Your Yap full of shit, running down your mouth Reeking, Dripping from, The End of my finger tips Swollen Mouth is full Infection sealed it shut No air Can t breathe, Suffocated by my own shit Your Yap full of shit, running down your mouth The Stench is thick Sewe