Doom Eternal: Taras Nabad Master Level Ultra Nightmare No Hud
Taras Nabad is a new official Master Level, here s my first UNM clear. That could have gone better. Second attempt as I got cornered like an idiot down in the sewers on my first attempt. This attempt wasn t pretty, had to resort to a BFG on the double archvile encounter in the sewer and crucible on the triple tyrants as I was quite sure I was too low on ammo, and on my nightmare playthrough I barely had enough and I saw no fodder, so I decided to just slice them down. The timing of the release could not have been worse, the sun is directly in my window + I was watching uefa euro 2020 at the same time, so all mistakes I made I blame on that :) Definitely the most difficult official doom eternal content yet imo. I was hoping there wouldn t be too much of the smoke filled rooms like in super gore nest, thankfully it was restricted to some parts of the arenas which was much better. Enjoy