Orca Stories Penn Cove Don Goldsberry of Sea World Inc
This is a segment from the nationally syndicated, Emmy Awardwinning 1999 special, Baby Wild Films Presents: The Killer Whale People, hosted by Heart s Nancy Wilson. It features for the first time in a television broadcast the complete restored color 16mm film of the Penn Cove orca roundup of August 1970 in which seven presumably Southern Resident orcas were taken, including Lolita, and as many as four drowned in the nets. The special also features the firstever TV interview with diver John Crowe, who worked on the Penn Cove capture and was in charge of secretly disposing the carcasses of the drowned orcas, to avoid them being counted in the The Penn Cove capture footage nearly disappeared. A rusting film canister of the film was discovered in 1993 in the archives of KING Television (NBC Seattle) by Contributing Network Producer, Filmmaker Michael Harris, who was on the staff of KING at the time. Several years later, KING 5 News inadvertently used without authorization wild killer whale f