Love Story meets Love Story ( Taylor Swift Remix) Piano Cello by Jon Schmidt
The rest of the This arrangement exists because of a music clearance foulup on my YouTube video, Love Story meets Viva la Vida. Thinking clearances were properly handled, we later discovered that when you create a mashup, you need personal permissions from songwriters before it can be sold. (Our lawyer advised us to take that video down until permissions are finalized, if you are wondering where that video went). Lets just say, getting in touch with rock stars is a lot harder than it sounds. This was gut wrenching because I had promised that it would be on my Bonus Tracks album before I knew of the problem. I really hope I ve been able to create something just as good to take its place. All I know is I ve never felt so helped with a song as I have with this one. The new ending is the wedding in the story. Where the song pulls back is the entrance of the flower the ring